
Still Plugging Away

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              Online Web Coding Courses
               For non-Coders

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(Note: the first lesson in each course is free: no need to sign in or enroll, just scroll down to the links

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suggestions or questions.

Steve Comstock picture
Hi. I'm Steve Comstock and I'm the founder of "Still Plugging Away", a sole proprietorship.


The Zen of Web Coding
DIY coding

My background


Some people putter in their garden.

Others putter in their garage, their basement, their workshop or their studio.

They hone their skills and create fine pieces of art or craft.

I putter on my computer. I hone my skills and create web pages.

Try this approach and see if it satisfies creative needs you have.

Click on any box to see a pop up window

If you think of yourself as brave, creative, unconventional, and interesting, check this out ...

How might you use this information and these skills

How to choose the right course for you

For those who don't think they can (or want to) write code for websites ...

Here's a crazy idea: build a website that's not on the web! See why you might do this here. (We cover this in the second course.)

And here are some sample solutions from the labs in this course, to show the kind of things you'll be able to do when you have sucessfully completed the course



So here's the story ...

(Note: I strongly suggest you view all our videos in full screen mode: click the icon in the lower right corner of the video area (it shows four arrows pointing to the corners of the screen). When you are done, the Esc ("escape") key returns you to regular mode.)

Click here if you have problems with the sound on the video.


Click here for the video transcript


Following are some mini-lessons to demonstrate some quick-and-dirty starting steps (these videos are not on YouTube) ...

Let's get you set up to create your own web pages.

Here are the instructions to code and test a web page.

Now: how do you do maintenance on a web page?


For your needs, you might perhaps just go with Practical Windows course and be done.

On the other hand, if you want to accomplish website coding, perhaps you already know enough to jump in at the start of the Creating Websites course, skipping the Practical Windows course. Or you could try Creating Websites and then go back to Practical Windows if you find you weren't quite prepared.


Note: the second and third courses can be done using Apple Mac computers (or Linux or Unix or z/OS or others) - just use the appropriate plain text editor instead of Notepad.


So off you go, to one of these lesson tracks:

   Practical Windows for Small Business [and Hobbies]

   Creating Websites Using Notepad [or any other plain text editor]

   Advanced Topics in Website Coding


The videos themselves are available at no charge here, on my YouTube channel.

However, on the website you can get transcripts, additional commentary, and lab files all for no extra charge.

You can find the video summaries and YouTube links here

Look at alternatives / competitors


Email us if you would like additional information. We would love to see your comments and recommendations for our site.